An East County dad and small businessman, fighting for our kids.

Endorsed by teachers, parents and working people. Not the special interests.

“I want East County’s kids to have more opportunities than we had growing up. Parents and teachers should have the power, not out-of-county special interests.” — Justin

As a father and business owner with two amazing kids in our public schools, I’m 100 percent invested in the success of our community’s schools and truly grounded in the issues families face in today’s changing economy. That’s why I have earned the endorsement of our county’s school teachers and a majority of the Board of Education—because East County deserves new leadership.

Students in the 21st Century face a growing mental health crisis, serious economic challenges and vast disparities in educational resources. Enriching programs–arts, music, science and technology–as well as career counselors, school nurses and psychologists, are often on the chopping block, leaving our kids with a lower shot at a great career than we had growing up.

As a small businessman with a background in finance and the arts, I’ll work to ensure East County’s school districts remain in the black, while championing additional student resources that parents and teachers know our kids deserve. 

The County Office of Education’s roles include fiscal oversight of our school districts, management of our juvenile justice education system and coordination of our county’s special education programs. My experience balancing budgets, parenting kids and working to uplift at-risk neighbors in community organizations will direct my leadership on the board.

I pledge to represent our East County community with integrity, innovation and collaboration.

I hope to earn your vote. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me any time at justin (at) or (925) 308-6286.


As a parent, Justin knows just how important it is to support our kids’ mental health. East County’s schools should provide high-quality school psychologists, experienced counselors and effective career advice so that students can thrive in school and life.

Mental health supports for happier kids

As a finance expert and small business owner, Justin is prepared to provide strict fiscal oversight of our county’s schools, ensuring our tax dollars go to classroom teaching and student services.

Strong fiscal oversight and effective schools

The Contra Costa County Board of Education manages our juvenile justice education system and special education services. Justin will fight for the resources necessary to ensure our most at-risk students have opportunities to put them on a path to a good career.

Enriching programs for great futures

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